News At A Glance #4

‘For use during military manoeuvres the Kaiser has a portable house, made of asbestos.’

The Nelson Evening Mail, Tuesday, June 22, 1909


The Royal Norfolk Show is held at the
Royal Norfolk Showground.

In 1928 Jacques Tati discovered rugby
in England.

There’s not much solo music written
for the trombone.

The French have no word for ‘en suite

Sons come forth out of lions.

Barbara Cartland published more than
700 books.

During the Blitz, King George VI led co-
nga lines through palace staterooms.

Cream-induced prophecies are not acc-

St Leonard is the patron saint of priso-
ners and the mentally ill.

Spinoza’s grandfather was circumcised
after his death.

Smirnov vodka is made from low-quality
moonshine distilled by Tula Province pe-

We have entered an era in which our di-
gital truths are vulnerable.

The temperature in Saigon is 105º and ri-

ASH Smyth writes. Find out more at:

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