#SATIREDAY: Fairy Tale Ending

/ Gary Laitman / Satire

#SATIREDAY: The Greatest Poem

/ Thomas McColl / Satire


/ Scott Manley Hadley / Satire

Teh Mooch Friday Fiction: Spicey

/ Chris McMullin  / Satire

The Rock Critic Reviews His Kid’s Lunch

/ Evan Johnston / Satire

How to Write the Working Classes

/ Peter Raynard / Satire

The True Story Behind My Incredible Fortune

/ Ravi Mangla / Satire

How to be a Well-Adjusted Disabled Person

/ Kelley A Pasmanick / Satire

Yes, I’m a Pretendian

/ Tiffany Midge / Satire

Rilke Goes On a Job Interview

/ Liz Blood / Satire

Let’s Go to the Bookstore!

/ Evan Johnston / Satire

Why don’t you just…

/ Tara Campbell / Satire

Space Routine

/ Christopher Hagel / Satire

An American Joke

/ Greg Letellier / Satire

How to be a Fuckboy Without Really Trying

/ Tylah Gantt / Satire

Ways to Take the Cute Out of Parenting

/ Simon Pinkerton / Satire

Suburban Fun-Park Hierarchy Extravaganza

/ Simon Pinkerton / Satire

Vine Discussion Group

/ Christopher Hagel / Satire