Today in the Service Industry a Service Worker . . .

. . . discussed soy and vegetarian men with a blue-haired woman
said “Thank you for your patience” more than 5 times
said “I am hungry but I am going to eat soon” more than 3 times
made hearts out of milk
did not drink enough water
was introduced to Liz
was remembered
was probably photographed
was looked at
was spoken to
was asked if they approved of a Chinese board game
was kindly debated
was told that in the first ten seconds something should happen but didn’t care
was held up
misjudged time
played one album four times
spoke to themselves
biked through early morning fog
made $10 in cash
stole from the company
said “Let me know if you have any questions” more than 20 times
continued to refine their script
wrote down the term “Vegetarian men” in front of the blue-haired woman
discussed unreciprocated love
told someone to be angry
ate a banana and did not eat again for another 7 hours, but not by choice
imagined falling asleep
falsely imagined that they smelled like a toilet
wore a topknot
stained their pants
handled paper
handled plastic
did things incorrectly and correctly
asked for the name of the blue-haired woman and immediately forgot it
imagined being hit by a car more than 5 times
sensed their coworker’s unhappiness
told their coworker, “I love you I miss you”
wrote the phrase “Be right back!” on a post-it note
accidentally left the note up for twenty minutes after they had returned
mixed bleach and water
thought about payday
considered spending money on food
considered drinking white wine in the day
considered getting high and doing something
felt embarrassed
regretted their words
shook but hid it from the customers
thanked people for every little thing
made people wait
said “I will be right with you” over 4 times
tried to shout but was not heard
told someone that they had met once before “I’ve been doing a lot of writing”
said “Let me know” over 4 times
waved in place of speaking
felt like they would vomit early in the morning
discussed how they were not a morning person
discussed mental fuzz
bought nothing
conceded defeat
let something slip

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