Poems: Jake Goldwasser

/ Jake Goldwasser / Poetry

Poem: Ezra Miles

/ Ezra Miles / Poetry

MISFIT DOC: 5 Quartets

FICTION: The Good Morrow

/ Ryan Napier / Fiction

FICTION: The San Antonio Futurists

/ Drew Buxton / Fiction

Poem: Lizzy Turner

/ Lizzy Turner / Poetry

Marathons, Orgasms and Abortions

FICTION: Tea with Moni

/ Nishi Pulugurtha / Fiction

Poems Visual: Katy Telling

/ Katy Telling / Poetry

SATIRE: The Best

FICTION: Other Party

/ Valentina Calvache / Fiction

FICTION: Stay With Me

/ Kyle Raymond Fitzpatrick / Fiction

Poems & Photographs: Ashen Venema

/ Ashen Venema / Poetry

FICTION: An Adverb Reacted Wearily

/ Matt Kendrick / Fiction

Poems: Antonio Karlovic

/ Antonio Karlović / Poetry