Bio of the Week

The Woman as Loom: On Knitting and the Worm

/ Queen Mob / Misc


/ Masha Tupitsyn / Misc

Submissions Call: Misfit Documents

/ Reb Livingston / Misc, Misfit Docs

Notes Towards the Rise of Hundred Million Dollar Art

/ Queen Mob / Misc

Labour Pains to Capital Gains

/ Peter Mandelsonofsam / Misc

Changed Utterly

/ Masha Tupitsyn / Misc

In A Poem On A Boat At Sea

At This Point

/ Masha Tupitsyn / Misc

Sight Unseen: I Stand Alone 2

ASK AVANT: Richard Block-ins

POEM: Conner Plunkett

……..Like Ferrets

Research and the Book Market

Sight Unseen: Requiem for a Dream 2

/ Queen Mob / Misc

Haute Portraiture (*)

Nico Vassilakis

Metamodernist // Manifesto

/ Luke Turner / Misc


Haute Portraiture (2)

…Journal Spotlight

/ : The Queen / Misc