[Each of these haiku is composed solely of the Donald’s own words.]
Ford Motor plans to,
because of my badgering,
cancel Mexico.
Well, everybody
is real. I mean, you just have
a lot of people.
Trophy isn’t good
enough. Unless it’s iconic
I have no interest.
We are a country
of laws. We will have a wall.
Just ask Israel.
You have this highly
neurotic woman and they
gave her all soft balls.
People have to work
really hard to get into
that upper stratum.
Lance Newman’s poems have appeared in print and web magazines published in Australia, Canada, the U.K., and the U.S., including 1913, BlazeVox, Fringe, Moria, No Tell Motel, nthposition, otoliths, Pemmican, Perigee, Stride, West Wind Review, and Zyzzyva. His two chapbooks, Come Kanab (Dusi-e/chaps Kollectiv, 2007) and 3by3by3 (Beard of Bees, 2010), are freely available on the web. He also curates the blogzine 3by3by3, a poetic experiment in human/machine collaboration.
Trump Haiku: 5