[Each of these haiku is composed solely of the Donald’s own words.]
I go home and I
say, I’m going to watch myself
on television.
I have a Gucci
store that’s worth more than Romney.
This is a movement.
We need somebody
that’s a very, very tough,
smart, cunning person.
Blame him or don’t blame
him, but the World Trade Center
fell during his reign.
The secret? I love
this. And I’m very handsome.
I love the people.
We’re never getting
out of this deal. Not ever.
Okay? We’re winning.
Lance Newman’s poems have appeared in print and web magazines published in Australia, Canada, the U.K., and the U.S., including 1913, BlazeVox, Fringe, Moria, No Tell Motel, nthposition, otoliths, Pemmican, Perigee, Stride, West Wind Review, and Zyzzyva. His two chapbooks, Come Kanab (Dusi-e/chaps Kollectiv, 2007) and 3by3by3 (Beard of Bees, 2010), are freely available on the web. He also curates the blogzine 3by3by3, a poetic experiment in human/machine collaboration.
Trump Haiku: 2