Videogames and Loneliness: Super Sprint


An introduction to simulation

images in motion + physical action = videogame
Super Sprint Atari 1986
being a look–alike of Nikki Sixx
shooting a photo with an analogue or digital camera
of a Porsche Panamera
waking up
cracking nuts
eat those nuts at breakfast to lower cholesterol, Alberto
Ma certo!
Not to mention doing pull–ups at Parco delle Cave
drinking vino Soave (but later)

all of this things
all of the sudden
allegory for our times
show, laterally:

1) How old am I.
2) My English grammar skills.
3) Where I come from.
4) My mastery in poetry.
and can be properly considered, mainly, a list of videogames we tend to take for real life.

After all, the theory of life as a computer simulation is taking off, isn’t it?
We all are someone else’s videogame.
Three of our lifes is worth one coin.
I can stand it.
But videogames that play videogames, that’s too much to handle.
I don’t play videogames, I go out and be it.


Alberto Motta is a simulation of an Italian writer since 1975. 
[play Super Sprint]

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