In Bed With Dawn Promislow: Writer’s Room

/ Queen Mob / Misc

Here I Stand; I Can Do No Other

/ Ed Simon / Misc

Love Things

/ Masha Tupitsyn / Misc

Fecal Fridays: Pooems

Whiskey Radish: BOIFEWND

Colin Raff: How To Crucify A Slug

Fecal Fridays: Herod Antipas

/ Scott Manley Hadley / Misc

Fecal Fridays: PARTY

/ Scott Manley Hadley / Misc

MISFIT DOC: Little Brown Bird

Surrealism and Haiti #7: The Future

/ DC Miller / Misc

In Bed With LustForLanguage

John Ashbery, 1927 – 2017

/ Queen Mob / Misc

Mourning Becomes the Schlemiel

/ Jeffrey Bernstein / Misc

Lost Signals: Call for Submissions

/ Queen Mob / Misc

Meme Corner VIII

How to get published everywhere, always

/ Fernando Sdrigotti / Misc

Feeling, Talk

/ Masha Tupitsyn / Misc

Surrealism and Haiti #6: Art

/ DC Miller / Misc

Lust Thrust Thursdays: Late Night Manifesto

/ Clio Velentza / Misc