Jeremy Fernando presents: ‘Glory Girls’ by Khadija Ahmed


Like mermaids,

Our legs are stapled together.

Ripe as blood oranges,

we vanish only in the sunset

of our daydreams.

Innocence skirts

our eyes, but our minds

are darker than bruised skies.

They tell us to fear each other

but never to open our eyes.



Khadija Ahmed is a 20 year old writer studying English Literature and Creative Writing at the University of Warwick. She’s known for blending poetry with prose. With a growing online presence, her online publications have amassed up to 20 million hits, and her most recent works can be found on Exposure, Haringey Unchained and Patchwork magazines.

The featured image — ‘TetracelimAmalgamation’ — is by the artist, musician, poet, Michael Kearney.

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