Poem: Indie Jones

Illo for Indie Jones's poem.


There are so many ways to feel
like a fool. My Soundcloud, for instance.
The chapbook I self-published last
year at considerable personal expense
but never distributed. My horoscope
telling me “Give love if you want to
receive it, Gemini,” but failing
to specify to whom exactly. So you
see. I am staying at a hotel
where the swimming pool is so full
of dead leaves you can’t see
the water but people
are using it anyway. Come
get me.
Indie Jones is writer living in South Bend, Indiana. His fiction, nonfiction, and poetry have been published by Queen Mob’s Teahouse, Entropy, Hobart, and elsewhere. He is currently at work on a novel and a collection of essays. He blogs sporadically and without focus at fullashtrays.wordpress.com and tweets @grabtheglitter.

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