1. A libertarian
2. **spoiler warning** This is how the show ends
3. Weekend chores
4. After the revolution we all be like
5. Dialectics in action
6. The Empire after the Thatcher years
7. When you learn about dialectics for the first time
8. Somewhere, a group of people have gathered in a park to read Kafka
9. In case you forgot
10. Seen during a dialectical trip
11. There will always be this
12. If he’s a Gramscian he’ll write the manifesto. If he’s from the Second International he’ll watch the typewriter do it
13. Is that Heidegger to a young Trump’s right??
14. Yes, the super-structure will be cute
15. Brilliant how @RussellBennetts is controlling the news cycle
16. Old school crowd-sourcing
17. Žižek looks on
18. Almost there
19. Deleuzians
20. Gregor Samsa awoke one morning to discover he now worked for the NSA
21. A gentle reminder
22. The new editor-at-large of berfrois
23. #OfficeHours
24. #Accelerate
25. Just a Hegelian going through his Merleau-Ponty phase
26. Leftist Twitter
27. Ok. I’m buzzed enough to click
28. Trotskyites, upon hearing news of Stalin’s ascension #TwitterHistoryOfTheRevolution
29. Wagner, weaponized
30. Adorno watching tv
31. All that is solid melts into Coke
32. We could use a superhero these days
33. An Accelerationist
34. Well, academics. Here’s a real world example of otherizing for your students
Tweets by @geistdeskapital