Sight Unseen: The End of the Tour

MADDNESS, man… a freakin’ road-plane trip with this era’s SNORRI STURLUSON! Jason Segel plays David Foster Wallace and it’s like How I Met Your Author…. oh holy fuck man!

THE END OF THE TOUR squeals and squirms on the screen as Jason Segel plays David Foster Wallace and it’s like Get Him to the Biopic…. oh man you know it! With DFW we totally LUNGE with Levin to Jötunheimr and a gnarly date with tennis instructors and footnotes. Yes, Jesse Eisenberg plays David Lipsky… and yes he ends up becoming HIMSELF.

Much of the film is a loose translation of Skáldskaparmál… this I loved! Take your mom to the first showing, buy her some popcorn and let LOOSE! Consider the lobster popcorn – I know, I know – almost as good as a Harper’s subscription!

Only once do we see Franzen, a floating head as always. I would have LOVED to have seen more FRANZEN. Maybe for the sequel. BUT SEE THIS MOVIE… you’ll never click again!

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