FICTION: The Viewing

/ Terence Hannum / Fiction

Poems: Rupert Loydell

/ Rupert Loydell / Poetry

FICTION: Huff, Puff, Blow

/ Jess Richardson / Fiction

Where is the 2019 Red Wedge?

/ Peter Wyn Mosey / Music

Poems: Elias Siqueiros

/ Elias Siqueiros / Poetry

Body Horror

/ Thogdin Ripley / Reviews

FICTION: Insect Group 3-23

/ Rich Ives / Fiction

Poems: Michael Grinthal

/ Michael Grinthal / Poetry

MISFIT DOC: Make Me A Monster

/ Shannon Barber / Misfit Docs

FICTION: A Saga of Blasphemy

/ Hareendran Kallinkeel / Fiction

Black Friday and The New Industrial Revolution: What Do We Do?

/ Amanda Earl / Misc

FICTION: The Masterpiece

/ Dennis Pahl / Fiction

Let Me Clarify #10: Unsolicited Advice by Genia Blum

/ Genia Blum / Misc

SATIRE: Story #2: Sketch


/ Lexi Pandell / Fiction

Poems: Jeremy Schmidt

/ Jeremy Schmidt / Poetry

Poem: J.A. Dela Cruz-Smith

/ J.A. Dela Cruz-Smith / Poetry