Undefinable pole. Sharer
of scar: the first
birth water yet unknown
till we met
repeating the planet. Guide friend
in first incarnation
Vimala nothing given what
we have between
us is what you a decade ahead
made for us when I
a brand new blinking roughstepping limb
could only barely
perceive, when Michael so cherubic
could sing instinctively
of age. Our scars mysteriously
matching: you arrive at the door
from far: to hold teach
me in the bath where
all experience is acquired and the human
now unanimal grows intimate with
the image: our image Vimala in a second
you change from mother
to brother to father no rules exist
with us no protocols
to rehearse no ritual marks
the boundaries where in a corner of the room
a tape recorder plays The Eagles the foreign
refuses to be foreign and the world
shrinks just to be. Leading chorister you
chart that outer zone
in those notes you send from afar –
once say when America snowed or
other wonders still wonders then – in
that distance and others
like it is
our closeness born relations
become unbound from birth the top 40
countdown shows roar
and whistle across the hard estranging
seas, scars pester and muster
their way back into folds
of skin grow so old
on the very point
of dissolution and you
the only to whom so much
could be said and heard in the leftover hardness
of what exchanged. And with Lionel
Richie who had been central quietly
fading from our lives the earth submerging
in the tide of the years we are
from instance to instance nearly
identical now and only
closer for the others arrived. Vimala
the spark survives the earth
survives John Denver survives
the scars grow
luminous you
invented us.
Vivek Narayanan was born in India and raised in Zambia. He earned an MA in cultural anthropology from Stanford University, and an MFA in creative writing from Boston University. He was a Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University (2013-14) and a Cullman Fellow at the New York Public Library (2015-16) while working on a book of poems about the ancient Indian epic poem Ramayana. His books of poems include Universal Beach (Harbour Line Press, 2006/In Girum Books, 2011) and Life and Times of Mr S (HarperCollins India, 2012). A full-length collection of his poems in Swedish translation was published in 2015 by the Stockholm-based Wahlström & Widstrand. He is co-editor of Almost Island, a nine-year old India-based journal, literary organization and publisher. His essays, criticism and poetry have appeared in Agni, Granta, The Village Voice, Harvard Review, Caravan and elsewhere, and his poems have been included in anthologies such as The Bloodaxe Book of Contemporary Indian Poets (Bloodaxe), The Oxford Poets Anthology 2013 (Carcanet), 60 Indian Poets (Penguin), and Language for a New Century (W.W. Norton). 'Vimala' first appeared in Life and Times of Mr. S (Harper Collins, 2012).
Medha Singh is Music Editor at Queen Mob's Teahouse. Send her your reviews at music [at] queenmobs [dot] com.