FICTION: Double Identity

Double Identity

After a night of partying, the Prince woke up not remembering a thing, but when he belched, he was sure no one had kissed him. With sadness, the toad kept hopping.


A fly was crushed to death between the pages of a notebook that belonged to a clever man who found form and meaning in the bug. Now, the tiny corpse is a beautiful tan-colored star in an author’s work.


In the absence of a mirror, a Story looked at itself in the Reader, discovering a row of Quixotes touching infinity.


This vampire is so shy that he sucks on the victim’s crotch instead of the neck. Women with maternal instincts tend to spoil him.


Happiness is so frothy. When lips meet, bubbles pop.

Laura Elisa Vizcaíno was born in 1984 in Mexico City, where she still lives today. She is the author of CuCos (2015). 

Toshiya Kamei's translations of Latin American literature include My Father Thinks I'm a Fakir by Claudia Apablaza, Silent Herons by Selfa Chew, and The Torments of Aristarco by Ana García Bergua.

Image: Frogs, Shibata Zeshin

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