[future word]
__________. 1. In Kleinian analysis, a mode of object relation occurring during the first 4 months of life, and recurring occasionally in later childhood and adulthood, characterized by ambivalence arising from the coexistence of aggressive and libidinal drives directed at an instinctual object, namely the mother’s breast, that is a part object and is split into a good object and a bad object, because it both gratifies and frustrates. 2. a technique to avoid each reverberation of a closing switch or other electrical contact being registered as a separate event. After the detection of the initial closure, a short pause is made in order to allow the reverberations of the contact, known as the contact bounce, to die away. The contact is then sampled again to determine its final state. 3. a repeated lightning discharge in which successive strokes are displaced from each other by wind. 4. several, usually two, bytes.
[future word]
__________. 1. the person to whom you are speaking, as opposed to the person present to whom you are talking. 2. the number that would fill the place immediately after the last place filled in a decimal chain.
[future word]
__________. 1. a local wind that blows up a slope heated by sunshine. 2. to inhale preparatory to speaking and then realizing that you don’t need to say anything. 3. to think a song has started to fade out when in fact it hasn’t. 4. the calculated reflection from a surface that takes account of the glossiness of the surface.
[future word]
__________. 1. noise of large amplitude and some statistical irregularity, affecting an analog channel severely but (relatively) infrequently. 2. the entire observable universe.
A chapbook by Mark Cunningham, Alphabetical Basho, is out on the Beard of Bees site. 71 Leaves, an e-book from BlazeVOX, is free to anyone curious enough to Google it.