DFW (Dear Friends Writers),
I’m working on the new issue of our beloved Rivista Letteraria.
Here’s what I’m looking for:
Essays: nail art, vivisection, rocket science, digitally driven end of sex, math, hotellerie, formica laminate, Paris, having a bath, suburbs weltanschauung, racism, games of cards, kitchen as a character, boxing, knitting, fuel, clothes, else.
Non fiction: has anything bizarre happened to you? Would you talk about this?
Poetry: impress me, please.
Fiction: same as poetry.
And here’s what I’m NOT looking for: cool cities (Berlin, New York, etc.) and style and poor late night sex and rock ’n’ roll tough style.
Have you got something for me?
mail: rvstletteraria@gmail.com
I love you DFW,