MISFIT DOC: Space Mimih Figures

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Marcus Slease is a poet and performer from Portadown, N. Ireland and Utah in the U.S. He has performed his work at various festivals and events, such as Soundeye in Cork, Ireland, The Carrboro Poetry Festival in North Carolina, The Prague Microfestival in Prague, The Arnolfini Gallery in Bristol, and The Parasol Unit, The British Library, The Southbank Centre, The Rich Mix, The Horse Hospital and Hardy Tree Gallery in London. He is the author of eight books of poetry from micro presses. Most recently Rides, published by Blart Books and Mu (Dream) So (Window) published by Poor Claudia. He lives on a public housing estate in Poplar, East London.
Erkembode (David Kelly-Mancaux) is a British artist based in Leeds. Erkembode is a visual-translator, Mimihist and saint. His tomb can be found in Saint-Omer Cathedral, France. Some recent publications that include both visual-translations, Mimih and saints are Picardy is Roaming (Arts et Mouvement, 2015), Fionn (Contraband Books, 2015) & Atkins Collected Petrarch / Petrarch Collected Atkins (Crater Press, 2014). Concretes by Erkembode were shown at the Hardy Tree Gallery Fiendes exhibition (May 2015). See more about Erkembode here erkembode.com & birdsong here @erk_embode.

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