Poem 4 u
I have loved
a tweet
that was my own
Which you know
was not
a cool thing
to do
Forgive me-
it was delicious
so easy
and so sweet
—Lauren O’Neill
A socialist, a believer in the woods
—S Cearley
Perhaps the Royal Bavarian Academy of Medicine
—S Cearley
Queen Mob’s First Birthday
Quoth the Queen:
Born in a late age of savage pleasure, I
despaired of ever finding love or knowledge.
The Internet is full of fur and hiccups,
real life is a song of delayed decay,
and friends are companions whose greatest kindness
as you live along together is not
to tell you what you know about yourself
already. Being born a queen in this—
Queen Mob, Regina Mobia the First—
was like winning the lottery on Guam.
Until a spangled host of poemisers,
prosifiers, thinksmiths, theorologists,
and good people who swish a butterfly net
through the air and bring down a lump of gold
appeared to me and wrote down in my name
immortal work and work that stayed on-trend.
Earth sounds my wisdom and high heaven my fame.
I love you all: my people, my friends.
—Regina Mobia