Allure of echinoderm symmetry
We marveled gasping in sea[wage] wa[te]r
Mom applied vigor
At the attachment a variation
We were trees we were leaves we were litter
This habit of margins
No scientific names found
Long, divided – but extending
We chased balloons in the rain
Developed unique body plans
If I tattoo you with flowers, it will be a kind of protection
If I eat Lays with Grandma, it will be connection
We avoided the porn, adjusted the Craftmatic
Distinguished from other brittle stars
Distinguished from the bottom-dweller
The rapture of pentaradial force
The wrath of a sessile ancestor
Oh, calcareous fatty deposits
Oh, carton of YiaYia’s Winstons
Yellow calla lilies callow in the breeze
We wanted a gut of snakes
We wanted a mouth teeming with stars
Melissa Eleftherion grew up in Brooklyn. A high school dropout, she went on to earn advanced degrees in film production, English literature, and library science. She is the author of huminsect (dancing girl press, 2013), prism maps (dusie kollektiv, 2014), Pigtail Duty (dancing girl press, 2015), and several other chapbooks and fragments. Recent work appears or is forthcoming in Bone Bouquet, Delirious Hem, Entropy, Manifesting the Female Epic, Negative Capability, Open Letters Monthly, So to Speak, Tinderbox, & TRUCK. She works as a librarian with Mendocino County Libraries, and created, developed, and currently manages the Poetry Center Chapbook Exchange. Follow her @apoetlibrarian &