Taj Bourgeois

For the inaugural Queen’s Gallery post, I am pleased to present a selection of work from artist Taj Bourgeois.

(CW: nudity)


Taj Bourgeois - 60 Boxes of Cornflakes


Taj Bourgeois - Grocery Store Installation 1


Taj Bourgeois - September 7 (with Matt)


Taj Bourgeois - Grocery Store Installation 2


Taj Bourgeois - Apple Tower (Orchard)


Taj Bourgeois - Don't Think About Peanut Butter Pineapple



Taj Bourgeois is a balloon (1987). His skull is covered in peanut butter, his pineapple has magical sensibilities, and his cat just fly out of air. He enjoys making sculptures that describe poems and poems that describe sculptures. He lives in Portland with his wife and daughter, and works as a Thai food delivery boy. Prior to this position he briefly attended the Portland Northwest College Of Art. Prior to that he lived in a van in Maui. Prior to that he hitchhiked to NYC and busked at Union Square. He’s going to be a famous artist. He’s also going to die just like you. 

 to submit to the Queen's Gallery plz email me at art[at]queenmobs[dot]com

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